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School: St James Senior Boys' School

This is St James Senior Boys' School in England, the information includes urn, local authority code,local authority name, establishment number,establishment name, street, locality, town, postcode, type of establishment, statutory highest age, statutory lowest age, boarders, sixth form, phase of education, gender, religious character, religious ethos, admissions policy, website address, telephone number, headteacher, establishment status, reason establishment opened, parliamentary constituency code, parliamentary constituency name, region, etc.

Urn: 100528
Local authority code: 936
Local authority name: Surrey
Establishment number: 6016
Establishment name: St James Senior Boys' School
Street: Church Road
Town: Ashford
County: Surrey
Postcode: TW15 3DZ
Type of establishment: Other Independent School
Statutory highest age: 19
Statutory lowest age: 10
Boarders: No Boarders
Sixth form: Has a sixth form
Ukprn: 10017682
Phase of education: Not applicable
Gender: Boys
Religious character: None
Religious ethos: Inter- / non- denominational
Admissions policy: Not collected
Telephone number: 01784266930
Headteacher: Mr David Brazier
Establishment status: Open
Reason establishment opened: Not applicable
Opening date: 30/05/1975
Parliamentary constituency code: E14000959
Parliamentary constituency name: Spelthorne
Region: South East