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Ballyholme Primary School

This is Ballyholme Primary School in Northern Ireland, the data gives address, town name, county name, postcode, telephone, email, institution type, management type, latitude, longitude, irish grid reference x, irish grid reference y, latest year data, primary reception pupil, number of fte staff, pupil teacher ratio ...

Reference: 4011650
Institution name: Ballyholme Primary School
Address 2:
Address 3:
Town name: BANGOR
County name: DOWN
Postcode: BT20 5RG
Telephone: 028 9127 0392
Institution type: Primary school
Management type: Controlled
Latitude: 54.66313
Longitude: -5.63886
Irish grid reference x: 352402
Irish grid reference y: 382007
Current approved enrolment: 630
Current approved admissions: 90
Latest year data: 2015
Primary reception pupil: 0
Number year 1: 90
Number year 2: 92
Number year 3: 91
Number year 4: 89
Number year 5: 90
Number year 6: 91
Number year 7: 88
Number year 8:
Number year 9:
Number year 10:
Number year 11:
Number year 12:
Number year 13:
Number year 14:
Number year 15:
Number of fte staff: 25.45
Pupil teacher ratio: 24.79